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Why Should Anyone Buy from You? (Value Proposition) (Pt 3)


Updated: Aug 28, 2023

Value Proposition

Welcome to Part 3 of Megan’s Journey of Internet Marketing.

In our last episode, Megan learned how to Discover Her Ideal Customer.

After identifying this key step it was time for step 3, her Value Proposition.

When I stopped by to see Megan again, I walked in on a meeting. She had created an Ideal Customer profile and was reviewing it with her staff. She had even created an avatar of what this person (couple in her case) would look like. She named them the Simpsons. I am not sure if she was thinking of the guys on TV or not.

“OK,” I said, “You decided why you want these ideal customers. Why do they want you?” “Well just look at us… Aren't we wonderful?” she joked. Learning about marketing seemed to put her in a better mood. “Of course you are,” I quipped. “But you need to be able to explain to the Simpsons why they should choose you over your competitors, and maybe even pay a premium for the privilege”. “You need to outline your Value Proposition”.

“That’s easy,” she said, “most of the guys in our area are just one person in a truck hauling their mower around.” She called them “mow blow and go” guys. “We are legit. We have the equipment, systems, and training to make their yards look fantastic. My crew leads have been with me for years. They can make decisions and even quote most things themselves. We can take a client's idea and quote exactly what they need to get it done. Our long-term customers use us as consultants on projects and we give advice all the time on plant selection, drainage, the works.

“So it is your experience?” I asked, knowing there was more. “It is a lot more than that!” she cried. “We are professionals. We are landscaping gurus!” Hyperbole aside, I knew we were zeroing in on the right message.

“So your ideal customer wants a beautiful yard and someone who knows how to keep it that way and is willing to pay for it. You are the professionals who can do it for them.” I replied. “You have the equipment and expertise to provide what they want and others do not” “It sounds like you have your Value Proposition."

“Geez” sighed Megan, “Our current marketing is crap”. “We aren't talking to the customer we want and we are not saying anything they are looking to hear.” No wonder our sales aren't where they need to be.” I love it when the light goes on in a client’s head.

“That’s good news” You have the most important parts of the process down. The room was buzzing as the team began talking about how to change the company's messaging and "look and feel” to show those ideal customers they were the right fit. They talked about uniforms and truck wraps that show a more professional look, and customer testimonials that highlighted their expertise. I left them to this work as I knew they were on the right track. Tomorrow was time for more heavy lifting, with Steps 4 and 5 of the process outlined below.

The 5 steps of marketing any business.

Step 1. What do you sell? Define your product or service.

Step 2. Who do you want to sell it to? Your Ideal Customer

Step 3. Why should anyone buy from you? Your value proposition

Step 4. Where do they hang out? What is the best place to reach them online? Your Online Presence

Step 5. How do you help them? Your Pain Points and Benefits.

Watch this space for the rest of the story.

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